long-term growth sustainability by maintaining a constant growth rate Trophy is a DeFi-focused company that creates benefits and value for Trophy token holders and the Trophy Auto-Staking Protocol (TAP) is a new financial protocol that makes betting easier, and more efficient, and provides $TROPHY token holders the highest stable returns in the world. crypto. Trophy is a DeFi-focused company that creates benefits and value for Trophy token holders. Our TAP algorithm used in Trophy tokens provides great benefits for $Trophy holders: · Trophy Insurance Fund (TIF) — 4% of all trading fees are held in the Trophy Insurance Fund which helps maintain and support staking rewards by maintaining price stability and greatly reducing downside risk. · Auto Token Burn — One of the interesting features of the Trophy Protocol is the automatic token burn system called "The Furnace" which prevents circulating supplies from getting out of hand and getting out of hand. Furnace burns 1.5...