creating decentralized digital currencies on the blockchain Gold is the most flexible on equal terms. Gold is an individual from metal changes and is found in occasional similar parts such as silver and copper. The social affair where gold is found is usually called a group of coins because individuals are routinely used to make money. To be honest, gold is one of the main metals known to man by its roots since 3400 BC by the Egyptians. Gdigit (GLDS) is an impetus to provide community-oriented vitality from the high automatic increase in the first financial sector, especially with the extraction of gold and various precious metals. Gdigit (GLDS) is a company that offers convincing cooperation energy from computerized advancements with the real economy, especially with the extraction of gold and various precious metals. The difference between duty and analog is that each GLGS token has identical gold (compared to 0.02 grams of gold), which gives it high solidity and spe...